Microstupidity - Proof of knowledge

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Sometimes I have information that I do not wish to reveal but may later wish to prove that I knew at a particular time. To do this, I publish checksums (currently using sha512) of files describing the information on this page. I then also generate a checksum of the complete list, which I use as a footer when sending emails. Anyone who has a copy of this checksum is then able to vouch for the fact that I knew the information by the time they receive the checksum.

The format of the list below is generally "date checksum (description)", though not every entry will have a published description. The date given is when I first published the entry, though when actually using the checksums to prove knowledge, you are only able to prove that I knew the information as of the date that you were first shown the checksum. Some of the files may be published in due course, in which case a link to the content will usually be given here. I may remove entries from this list if I determine there is no need to have them any more.

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